Category: Uncategorized

Why I Like Classic Books in Movie Form

I confess that I’m not a big Dickens fan. I’ve read Great Expectations and Tale of Two Cities and attempted Oliver Twist. So I watched The Old Curiosity Shop on PBS Masterpiece Theater last night thinking it might surprise me. Well, it didn’t. But it did confirm why I prefer to take a lot of my classics as movies. 1. They take a ginormous book and condense it into an hour and a half! Is this always a good thing? No. For instance, no movie version of Pride & Prejudice will ever replace the novel for me. But for a story I have […]

Why the Manbo Remembered First

So why did Sheriff Manbo – I mean Graham – on ABC’s Once Upon a Time remember his past life as a fairytale character before anyone else? If you’ve followed this series as I have, then you probably have your own ideas about this. This is just my theory, which I felt like posting. No one believes Henry yet, and I guess it’s hard to blame them. So I had to smile when the Sheriff immediately believes that his dream of being a huntsman in a fairytale world was actually a past life, and then takes after a wolf who […]

Hermit Crabs of Unusual Intelligence

Hermit Crabs of Unusual Intelligence

Once upon a…actually, it all started last fall in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Peeking into the wire crab hotel at the surf shop, I saw neat rows of shells – some natural, some painted in solids or patterns – but few signs of actual hermit crabs living inside of them. Except for one. A nickel-sized guy with a flower painted on his black shell hoofed it overtop the other sleepers. He was on a mission. I have no idea where he thought he was headed, but he had a destination in mind and nothing and no crab was getting in […]

Romance of the Fall

Romance of the Fall

There’s something truly magical about fall in Massachusetts. I’ve lived here my whole life, experienced all the shifts in seasons, know what to expect from each one, and fall never fails me. No matter how many years pass, October always sweeps me off my feet. A routine drive turns fairy tale-ish when a tornado of red and gold leaves swirls up and around your car. Surrounded by honey-dipped trees, houses become postcard-worthy representatives of the state. That’s how I felt last weekend as I drove through a town that has nothing new to offer me on a normal day. But […]

New Website for My Mystery Books

New Website for My Mystery Books

So I spent some time redesigning my website this summer, and launched the finished product earlier this month. It boasts a totally new design that’s both fun and functional and I think expresses my personality and that of my books much better! Aside from a spiffy cosmetic update, I also added some new content – so there’s more to do and read during your visit. Here are a few of the highlights: Just for Fun – My behind-the-book features for Dead Locked and The Jester’s Apprentice are now under this umbrella, and I’m thinking of other things to add to […]