>10 Reasons to Finish That Lousy WIP!

Posted August 17, 2010 in novels, wip, writing, writing projects / 0 Comments

>We all run into those pesky stories or novels that will not cooperate and go smoothly as ordered! But just when you’ve had it and swear you’re not writing another word, you do. But why? Dead Locked has been the mother of all difficult projects in my book. But I’ve pushed on and will push on until it’s done. And here are 10 reasons why I keep going and why you should too.

  1. You have put far too many hours into it already to give up.
  2. You love the characters and can’t leave them hanging.
  3. The story keeps pulling you back.
  4. Any story worth telling requires work.
  5. If you gave up every time you hit a wall, you’d never finish a single project.
  6. People want to read your story!
  7. Every finished novel is another step toward your goals.
  8. You become a better writer with every story you finish.
  9. You’ll never forgive yourself for giving up.
  10. You’ve made it this far. Keep going!

What reasons do you repeat to yourself when a project makes you want to throw your writing tools in the air and quit?
